The Mathematical Preparation of Middle School Mathematics Teachers Conference

Conference Schedule

Time Place Activity Speaker
8:009:00 pm
Lobby Early check-in (pick up conference materials)
8:009:00 am
Main Conference Room Check-in (pick up conference materials) Ira Papick
9:0010:10 am Main Conference Room Brief overview of Conference
Introduction of First Keynote SpeakerThe Mathematics Preparation of Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Ira Papick and Zalman Usiskin
10:1010:30 am Main Conference Room Break (soda, coffee, tea and snacks)
10:3011:30 am Breakout Sessions (maximum 40/session)
Room (CM)2 ProjectAlgebra Connections Ira Papick
Room (CM)2 ProjectGeometry Connections John Beem
Room (CM)2 ProjectCalculus Connections Asma Harcharras and Dorina Mitrea
Room (CM)2 ProjectData Analysis and Probability Connections Debbie Perkowski and Mike Perkowski
11:45 am
12:30 pm
Main Conference Room Lunch
12:301:30 pm Main Conference Room Second Keynote SpeakerMathematics materials for pre-service K6 teachers Sybilla Beckmann Kazez
2:003:00 pm Breakout Sessions (maximum 40/session)
Room Technology for middle grade teachers Cliff Konold (Tinker plots)
Room Recruiting middle school mathematics teachers Kellye Crockett, Linda Kaiser, Bob Reys, and Barbara Reys
Room Content support for in-service middle grade teachers Sid Rachlin
Room Middle School mathematics content: professional development Ken Gross
3:003:20 pm Break (soda, coffee, tea and snacks)
3:204:30 pm Main Conference Room Panel discussionSuccessful institutional collaborations between mathematics faculty and mathematics education faculty Joan R. Leitzel, Jim Lewis, Bill McCallum, Bob Reys
5:006:30 pm Main Conference Room Poster Session and Finger Foods
8:009:00 am
Main Conference Room Continental Breakfast
9:0010:00 am Breakout Sessions (maximum 40/session)
Room (CM)2 ProjectAlgebra Connections Ira Papick
Room (CM)2 ProjectGeometry Connections John Beem
Room (CM)2 ProjectCalculus Connections Asma Harcharras and Dorina Mitrea
Room (CM)2 ProjectData Analysis and Probability Connections Mike and Debbie Perkowski
10:0010:30 am Break (soda, coffee, tea and snacks)
10:3011:30 am Breakout Sessions (maximum 40/session)
Room Technology for middle grade teachers Cliff Konold (Tinker plots)
Room Recruiting middle school mathematics Middle School mathematics Kellye Crockett, Linda Kaiser, Bob Reys, and Barbara Reys
Room Content support for in-service middle grade teachers Sid Rachlin
Room Middle School mathematics content: professional development Ken Gross
12:0012:45 pm Main Conference Room Lunch
1:002:00 pm Main Conference Room Professional Development for middle grade mathematics teachers focusing on content Paul Sally